Repairing Airbags in Heavy-Duty Trucks

Airbags play a significant role in maintaining the stability and ride comfort of heavy-duty trucks. However, when they fail, they can cause serious safety hazards, resulting in accidents and vehicle damage. So, what are six potential issues that can arise from these parts, and what should you do to try and prevent them?

Overinflated airbags

One of the most common issues with suspension airbags is overinflation. This occurs when the airbag inflates too much, causing it to harden and lose flexibility. Overinflated airbags can result in a bumpy ride, excessive tyre wear and damage to vehicle components. Overinflation can be caused by faulty air supply systems, such as damaged valves, connectors or pressure sensors.


Conversely, suspension airbags can also underinflate, causing the vehicle to sag or lean to one side. This can lead to a potential loss of stability, difficulty steering, and poor road handling. Insufficient air pressure in airbags can be caused by leaks, damaged seals or worn-out airlines.


Truck suspension airbags are exposed to heavy loads and rough road conditions, making them susceptible to punctures. A leaking airbag can cause a significant loss of air pressure, reducing the truck's stability and ride quality. Common causes of airbag punctures include debris on the road, sharp edges of the cargo and wear and tear due to both age and usage.

Damaged Mountings

Airbag mounts are the components that hold the airbags in place and allow them to function correctly. If these mounts become damaged, the airbag's alignment and effectiveness can be compromised. This can lead to excessive vibrations, noise and uneven tire wear. The mounts can be dislodged due to accidents, rough terrain or poor installation.

Contaminated Air Supply

Suspension airbags need clean and dry air to function correctly. However, if the air supply system is contaminated with water, oil or dirt, it can cause damage to the airbags. Contaminated air can clog the air lines, corrode the valves and connectors and reduce the airbag's flexibility and lifespan.

Malfunctioning Control Valves

Height control valves regulate the air pressure in the suspension airbags, allowing the truck's height to adjust according to the load and road conditions. However, if the valves malfunction, they can cause the airbags to inflate or deflate too much, leading to stability and handling issues. Faulty height control valves can also cause the truck's brakes to malfunction, resulting in accidents.

What to Remember

In summary, suspension airbags are essential for maintaining a safe and comfortable ride in heavy-duty trucks. However, they can also be susceptible to several issues, such as overinflation, underinflation, punctures, damaged mounts, contaminated air supply and malfunctioning height control valves. As an owner or operator, you can avoid many of these issues through routine maintenance, but if you suspect any ongoing problems, make sure that you take the vehicle to a qualified mechanic as soon as possible.

Visit a local auto shop to learn more about truck repairs.

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Barbara's Big Blog of Auto Service Info, Tips and More

Welcome. I hope you stick around and learn something new. My name is Barbara, and ever since I was a little girl, I have been working on cars. I used to follow my papa around our farm, always ready to hand him a tool or help him work on our equipment. Now, I still love to work with cars but enjoy writing about it even more. I recently turned 50 and made a promise to try several new things -- one, being writing a blog. I am married with two fabulous children, both away at uni studying, and I love to spend time at the beach and in nature. This year, I plan to take my first surf lesson as well. Enjoy, and remember, as the kids say, YOLO (you only live once)!